Wednesday, September 3, 2014

confessions of a campus minister

My most honest confession? I often take my eyes off of Jesus.

Wind and waves surrounding me,
I notice my feet going under.

When the tasks are many before me,
And I yearn for man's approval more than I do for God's,
And the pressure pushes in from all sides,
     I lose sight of the vision,
        of the calling,
        of Spirit with and in me.

I forget that it was Jesus who said, "Come," before my feet even left the boat. [Matt 14:29]

And in my panic of "DO SOMETHING!" He gently asks me once again why I let my faith in His word, His power, His calling become so small.

My eyes aren't always on Jesus.
And when they're not, I grow afraid of the very waters that I asked Him to allow me to walk upon.

Truly, I am grateful for His hand repeatedly lifting me out of my panic,
     Lavishing me with a grace that I most assuredly don't deserve.
     Restoring these averted eyes to their proper gaze.

I am reminded that He has this too under control.

And that He cares about my walk on these deep waters.
     This walk that we journey together,
     Father, Son, Spirit, and me.