Monday, December 6, 2010


It's here.  The week where everyone on campus wears sweatpants daily.  The week where the nest is completely sold out of food because everyone is trying to use every last meal and flex dollar.  The week where some people discover there actually is a library on our campus (imagine that!).  The week where my face breaks out in painful stress pimples.  WELCOME TO FINAL EXAMS.

It's really ridiculous what I will do to be successful in procrastination.  Last night Jessie and I painted my nails while we watched back-to-back episodes of 16 and Pregnant.  It wasn't even a good life decision because they looked like a three year old painted them.  It's kind of a shame that I have lived to be twenty years old and have not fully grasped the concept of neatly brushing paint onto my nails.  Today I was even more shameful.  Not only did I create this blog, but I also watched an episode of Desperate Housewives, calculated if it was possible for me to double major in biology and psychology and graduate (on time), and stared at a nice looking spot on the wall for way longer than it deserves credit for.

So all in all, I'm not fully prepared for my exams, but hey, are any of us really ever 100 percent?  So why do we let this week run our lives?  I mean yes, it probably is just a fact that during finals week school will consume our time, but it should not control our emotions.  We get way too worked up over knowing every little, gritty detail and over the possibility of not earning As.

Matthew 6:27  "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"

Grades aren't the most important thing in life anyway.  My prize is in Heaven.


  1. Sweet Alyssa,
    Turn that box off or I'll make you come here to study;)

  2. Alyssa,
    I love your About Me section! Such a great analogy. I think you should write more with Finals in perspective like is this really gonna matter in 5 years? All the time I spent working on my finals, I could've been saving starving children in Africa...stuff like that haha. :) Keep up the humor and the scripture!
    Praying for your break! Remember that if God is for us, who can be against us?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm already excited to start reading your blog, girl! I can't wait to see you over break! <3kaliopi

  5. Alyssa. This blog so far is great. I really LOVE LOVE LOVE your "about me". Awesome.

  6. Also, your last line...I had to remind myself of that everyday when I woke up during finals week and the rest of the year. Everytime I took a test or turned in a lab report I would tell myself that, no matter what, God is bigger and greater than this test/assignment/etc, and the purpose and grace He has for me is not affected by this grade. To me, that was the most important thing to remember when things got stressful. Keep studying, but don't let it worry you...Keep it up!
