Friday, June 24, 2011


Main Entry:  contentment
Part of Speech:  noun
Definition:  comfort, happiness
Synonyms:  fulfillment, peace, pleasure, satisfaction, serenity
Synonyms to "content":  can't complain, comfortable, willing

Please note:  fulfillment and willing.

It's here.  The feeling I have been yearning to feel while at home.  The feeling that I haven't felt in this house since... elementary school?  Jesus has been working on me for so long and I can finally say that I am happy right where I am (for the time being).  Yes, I still can't wait to go back to school.  But it's more of a feeling of anticipation for the school year and excitement about InterVarsity and less of a feeling of just wanting to get out of here.  I feel peace and pleasure and serenity and comfort about being here this summer.  I can't complain.  The Lord is satisfying me even apart from the fellowship that I felt so glued to at school.  I feel challenged and I have people to challenge.  I have people that I feel comfortable confiding in for spiritual advice.  I have a bible study that I actually look forward to going to (a bible study apart from IV that I enjoy!?! GASP!).  I'm making Christian friends.  I have a job as a nanny that's challenging, but extremely rewarding and I feel myself growing as a person from it.  In the past three weeks I've watched as God answered my prayers immediately (sometimes in a frame of 12 hours) and it has been amazing to encounter.  I've also watched Him answer prayers that I have been praying for for years in the past few weeks.  Things are looking hopeful between my dad and the Lord, just gotta keep on praying.  I feel really good and at ease about my post-college plans.  Everything just feels like it's falling into place.  It took almost 2 years of struggling as a lone Christian in New Jersey and I finally feel like God has provided me with fellowship.

Yeah work is hard and long and I'm allergic to the dogs and feel physically drained.  But I don't care.  Yeah I'm bored 5/7 nights a week because I'm so used to having structured daily events and in the summer there are few.  But I don't care.  Yeah I still am really struggling with a few things and my family/home life is FAR from being "good."  But it doesn't matter.  I am learning how to be completely fulfilled by Jesus, no matter the place I'm at or how bad things may seem.  So what made the difference for me this summer?  I had all of the same resources and opportunities last summer, but I still felt so empty.  This time, I've chosen to be in the Word everyday, regardless of my crazy schedule.  I've chosen to go to church every Sunday, regardless of the little sleep I'm running on or events I have going on that day.  Being in the Word on my own daily this summer has seriously made my life at home do a 180.  I didn't invest my time in the resources that were there for me last summer because I wasn't first investing my time in the Lord.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33)

It is only when you are first fulfilled in Christ that you can be willing to do His work (note the synonyms above).  In his book Future Grace, John Piper wrote "Spiritual beauty is the beauty of God diffused in all his works and words.  Embracing this, or delighting in it, or being satisfied with it, is the heart of saving--and sanctifying--faith."  While Piper goes into intricate detail of this throughout a chapter, he is arguing that the same faith that saves is the faith that sanctifies (for even demons believe in Jesus, the difference is they are not being sanctified).  And this sanctifying faith is shown through the good fruit produced (James 2:19; Matthew 7:18).  But how can you be willing to do the work of God, aka producing the good fruit (Matthew 7:18-21 emphasis on v.21), if you are not FIRST finding your fulfillment in Him?  So you see it's when we embrace, delight in, and are satisfied with the spiritual beauty (to use Piper's AND the thesaurus' words) that our lives become a living sacrifice.  Because as soon as you find your fulfillment in Christ you will be willing to lay down your life for Him.  Being content means being fulfilled and willing.

So you can see how I found the synonyms to the word contentment so intriguing.  Life is good.  God is good.  I can't wait to see how the Lord will have me grow tomorrow.  And the next day.  And the next...

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