Saturday, January 22, 2011

Little Things

So yesterday I was in the worst of moods.  I woke up at 6:30am, barely had enough time to rush through a devotion from My Utmost For His Highest, let alone read some Scripture.  Low and behold, without a sufficient quiet time my mood was cranky and irritable.  I had class from 8am-noon and then rushed off to work at Borders from 1pm-9pm.

I was acting like a tired miserable college kid, to say the least.  Definitely not shining Christ's light into my work place and definitely not as enthusiastic with customers as I usually am.  All I kept thinking about were the piles and piles of homework I had waiting for me at home-- that I would not be able to even start until the following afternoon because I worked the next morning (THIS morning!) as well.  I was stuck in a mood and I knew it.

So I, still acting semi-annoyed, picked up the schedule from behind the register to see who was coming to relieve me so that I could go sell books on the floor.  I saw that my friend Brandy was coming in and I was immediately filled with joy.  Brandy isn't my closest friend at Borders-- actually we barely talk except for at work.  But she's crazy and outgoing and knows how to make me laugh.  And so my bad mood slightly began to fade.

From 5pm-6pm I had a dinner break and I was planning on meeting Steph at Qdoba.  I was looking forward to being able to sit down and chat about our days.  When I walked in, I saw Matt Wallace sitting with her and was so surprised and happy!  TWO friends came and lightened my day!  Of course throughout our meal I was chatting away (because I had barely socialized all day) and was laughing until I couldn't even speak at times.  It was just what I needed on my break.

When I returned to Borders to finish my shift, I saw my friend Jessica coming in to join me and Brandy at the register.  I had no idea she was even working!  I hadn't worked with her in months and I was so thrilled to catch up with her.

As soon as I opened my heart up, God starting being able to work in me.  From there out I started praying more and talking to my unbelieving co-workers about my relationship with Him more.  God even answered a prayer that I'd been praying for since school started by showing me a book to buy.

That's when I realized:  It's amazing how much a difference it makes to keep my heart open, regardless of what is going on in my life, regardless of how busy I am.  I need to be consistently listening for God's voice and trying to shine His light no matter where I am.

I'm heading off to work right now... with a prayer that today I will be a better foreign ambassador for Christ in this world.

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