Friday, February 15, 2013


Spiritual movement.
What does it look like?

I think that I only ever picture it as clear steps forward.  Sometimes gaining momentum, sometimes a steady pace.  But always forward.

Maybe movement isn't always so clear.
Maybe sometimes it's below the surface.
Masked and hidden.

Maybe movement is actually disguised by more sin because maybe movement is when we recognize our sin more.  When we realize our desperate need for a Savior.

Maybe movement might even appear as steps backward.  Like the recognition of a snippy tone or noticing there's an unwillingness to pray over a specific sin.  Maybe movement is that burning in your heart to get you to step into the new that you keep ignoring because you're scared.

Maybe movement is the force needed to break the inertia of that object at rest.

The force that causes you to even become aware that your heart is at rest.
Maybe that burning in your heart is that force telling you that it's time to let go.
That it's time to enter into a new layer of healing.

Maybe movement forward is actually becoming more sickened by self as we are overcome by our innately sinful hearts.

So maybe progress in God's backward economy looks different.
Because it causes us to cling more to Jesus as we acknowledge our own sin problem.
Because it draws us closer to our Savior.

And maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe that's not movement at all.
But I sure do enter [kicking and screaming] into these new levels far too frequently for it to not be.

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