Saturday, August 3, 2013

You captivate me.

I'm here,

It took me awhile, but I'm here (now).

Simple obedience,
     how sweet it is,
To sit in Your presence,
And hear You speak to me.

That's what I live for, really.
     (I can't believe I resisted for so long.)
These moments with You.

Nothing more exciting,
     and peaceful
          than hearing directly from my King.

You speak,
And every hair stands on the back of my neck,
     so aware of You.
The air is thick and beautiful,
     like it is when I hear a new harmony,
Chords blending and moving and I,
     am lost,
     in Your song.

Nowhere I'd rather be,
Than right here with You.

                    See, I am doing a new thing!
                         Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
                    I am making a way in the wilderness
                         and streams in the wasteland.

                                     [Isaiah 43:19]

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