Wednesday, October 16, 2013


"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."

To follow Him has always been the invitation.

When Jesus first called His disciples He said, "Come, follow Me."  They left their homes, their families, and their careers to follow.  This initial story parallels our own lives, for those of us who have entered into a relationship with Him.

But the following didn't stop there.  The following continues, always, as we remain His sheep.

Jesus says that He knows these sheep, these followers.  And doesn't this verse also imply that the sheep must know Him?

The word "hear" [Greek = akouĊ] speaks of attending to what is being said and giving an ear to a teacher.  It is a choice.  The reality is, He is speaking all the time, and the invitation is to listen.  And when we decide to listen to Him, we grow to know Him more.

The call is to hear and thus to know Him, to have Him know us, and to follow.  When Jesus beckons us to come, it is not a one-time decision or even a once-every-six-months decision.  We joke in this Christian culture of experiencing "come to Jesus moments," but the invitation is not to come during a season of revelation or hardship or exponential growth.  The invitation is to follow.  Coming happens once or in scattered spurts.  Following happens with every step, every leap, every hobble, and even every crawl.

The invitation is to follow.
The invitation is to listen, because He is speaking.
The invitation is to know and be known.
The invitation is to go deeper,
     in this minute and in the next,
     abiding and praying without ceasing.

Let's stop separating the sacred from the secular.
Let's stop coming to Jesus only when we hear His voice screaming over our noisy lives.
Let's stop coming to Jesus only when we meet with Him in the morning.

Let's say "yes" to the invitation to live out of the Kingdom reality that we are so graciously offered,
     [on earth as it is in heaven].
Let's follow, not come,
     in step with the Spirit, every second of every day.
Let's hear His whispers as well as His shouts,
     because He speaks and His words cut through all of the opaque mundane,
     and all of the thick darkness that we sometimes endure.

He is speaking.
He calls us by name,
     saying, "Child, pay attention,
          you are Mine."

He knows His sheep.
By name, He knows us.
By name, He calls us.

The invitation is to experience Him [always].
The invitation is to go deeper.
always, always, always deeper than before.

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