Sunday, February 9, 2014


That's how I can sum up all that I've been thinking and feeling and experiencing and reflecting on lately.

There is Life in the laughter,
   Life in the tears.

To know Life in the deepest of heartaches,
   Life in the mundane,
   and Life in the jubilation,
is perhaps the greatest invitation to us ever given on this side of heaven.

To walk with Him in all things,
to really know He is present when my heart is breaking and when my heart is celebrating,
is to experience true humanness, to be as I was designed to be.

[Because there is Life in Him.]

Sometimes my heart is completely overwhelmed,
   by this Life,
   by this Love,
   by His relentless pursuit,
because I am so undeserving.

And regardless of how often I stumble or fall,
He. loves. me.

With a love powerful enough to pierce through the darkness,
a love powerful enough to transform a darkened heart,
a love powerful enough to break the chains that once held me bound.

I'm overwhelmed because that kind of Love is indescribable,
that kind of love is the only kind with the ability to transform,
   to produce growth,
   to soften a heart.

So today, this mix of emotions feels overwhelming,
   [in a good way.]
because this Life that I'm invited into is better than anything I've ever known.

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