Sunday, July 1, 2012

Every Cell in My Body is RUNNING After Jesus

Friends, it's been a very long time since I've published an entry on this thing.

June was an uphill climb for me.  My family received pretty traumatic news and while I think my initial reaction was Gospel-centered and Godly, I could feel Satan begin to use this news to puncture my heart throughout the month.  Also, as I hinted in my last entry (i make war), there has been a serious spiritual battle going on inside of me.  This war has been there since I got saved and it's only been surfacing more as I try and defeat it.  My life has been a whirlwind of craziness--on the one hand I've been seeing God answer so many prayers, leaving bible study renewed, confessing serious and secret sin (finally) to a friend, having very productive and intense quiet times (something that I grew much too lax about over my last semester in college), etc.  On the other hand as I've been trying to have victory over a certain area in my life, Satan has seen my attempts and made it harder for me.  I've been scared to death about a potential future of going into full-time ministry.  Scared about the attacks I'll receive from the enemy if I follow in step with the call of Jesus.  Scared more about the consequences of not answering that call.

Battle after battle after battle after battle.

But what I've realized as I sit back and reflect on June is that I am in a better place with Jesus than I have ever been.

To the observer, it probably doesn't look like that.  While I haven't actually given into these temptations placed by the enemy or publicly freaked out over anything, I have been more open about my struggles to those who know me best.  (My poor mentor has had to listen to my mind go back and forth over issues with this rattling family circumstance and battles with wanting to give in and then wanting to resist my flesh--all while I simultaneously have confessed things that have been bottled up inside of me for three years. Robin Downs, you are a trooper.)

But I think that me being vocal about these spiritual battles and hardships is me finally trying to take ownership of my past and my present and overcome.  I'm finally getting to work and inviting Jesus into that.

While on the outside it may seem to my close friends that I am struggling to even stay afloat, it's really just a struggle against my flesh that's always been there.  On the inside I feel more free each day.  On the inside I can literally feel every cell in my body jumping up and down with praise to God.  I am yearning after Him like never before.  Wanting to know His Word more.  Wanting to fear Him more.  Wanting to understand His creation more.  Wanting my life to reflect His Glory more.  Wanting a more intimate relationship.

You know those times when you are so dehydrated that you can literally chug an entire gallon of water and even then you just want more?  And when you're not chugging that water all you can think about it the next time you'll drink water again?

That's how it's been.  It's like I've just been taking in in in in in all I can of Jesus.  And when life comes up and I have to go to work or an event or whatever, all I can think about is the next time that I will sit with my Bible open again in His presence.

I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land. (Psalm 143:6)

I've had the best prayer life that I've had in six months.  The best quiet times that I've had in probably a year.  And the most honest conversations that I've had in my entire Christian walk.

On the outside I've been screaming war cries, but on the inside I am just falling more in love with Jesus.

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