Friday, January 6, 2012

We've got to rise up

Open our eyes up
Be her voice, be her freedom, come on stand up
(music video we made at Passion 2012 to raise awareness for slavery)

I just got back from a week in Atlanta, GA.  I was with 15 friends and 44,000 other college students at the Passion 2012 conference.  To sum it up?  Amazing.  Jesus.  Healing.  Freedom.

I'm going to make another post (probably) about some things Jesus did in my heart during the conference.  But this post is about how Jesus used us 40,000(ish) 18-24 year olds to raise awareness for modern day slavery.  To proclaim the name of Christ to the nation.

We listened to two main session talks that completely centered around the issue of slavery. (Did you know that currently there are 27 million people enslaved? That's more now than ever before in history...)  We donated.  We decorated flags that were then hung up with prayers and Bible verses.  A giant hand was constructed and we lit candles around it while chanting "FREEDOM."

Best part?  CNN covered it.  CNN did a story on Passion 2012.
The name of Jesus was documented by this news source for all the world to see.

To watch the CNN clip click here.

It is amazing what God can do when you submit to Him.  Submit your life and the causes you'll be working for or supporting.  Submit your finances and His name will be lifted up.  44,000 "poor college students" donated $3 MILLION dollars this week.

When I went to make my donation I didn't think my small amount would do much.

But when we
for HIS Kingdom

When we stop and think about the big picture, we realize that He moves mountains with the little amounts we sacrifice.  He moves mountains with the time and love we give.  He moves mountains if we just have faith.  He WILL work for the good of His people because He loves each and every one of us.  To Him, there aren't 27 million enslaved.  There are 27 million ONES enslaved.

27 million Adams.
27 million Eves.
27 million Alyssas.
27 millions yous.

God hates injustice.  And I hate injustice because He lives in me and my heart breaks for His beloveds.

And He will free them because it brings HIM glory.

Philippians 2:10-11-- so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

We get to be a part of that.  I got to be a part of that movement this week.  We get to all be tools for His Kingdom.  How cool is that?!?!

I am (and want to continue to be) part of the Jesus Generation.
Are you?

the giant hand that was constructed as a symbol

us on the last night-- each holding a lit candle. the giant hand is glowing, too!
a snapshot of all 44,000 of us in the Dome during worship at Passion 2012

To donate click here.

We raise our white flag, 
The war is over.
Love has come,
Your love has won.

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