Tuesday, April 10, 2012

love that mary wash.

The sun has started to rise earlier, making my walk to open the fitness center in the mornings much less scary and much more bearable.  This morning after picking up the key from the police station at 6:30 I walked the close-to-a-mile journey throughout campus to the gym.  It was cool but not too cold, light out but not extremely bright yet, and completely deserted.

This has been my home for four years.

I looked at all of the buildings and spots on campus, memories swirling around in my mind.  I remembered meeting a group of friends for the first time at the fountain during week one of freshman year.  Going to Obama's rally on Ball Circle later that fall.  Sitting and crying on the hill in front of the library when I asked Jesus into my heart sophomore year.  Finding out on the Lee Hall terrace that I would get to serve the Lord on C-Team for IV.  Running experiments in Chandler and dreading my bio/chem labs in Jepson.  Playing multiple games of capture the flag throughout campus after large group.  Meetings with Rob in the Nest and Jess in the Underground.  Going to basketball games in the Anderson Center.  Buying my cap and gown last month in the bookstore.  It all went by so fast.

But this morning the walk was serene and peaceful and I breathed in the cool spring morning.  Time alone.  Time to appreciate the beautiful campus without the rush of mid-day, without running to class or worrying about studying.  Time to really thank Jesus for bringing me here.

Home?  What is home?  On earth home is just where God has you for a period of time.  A place where you're invested emotionally while you live there physically.  A place where there are people you love and that love you in return.  A place that will always be a part of you even long after you leave it.

This campus has shaped me and prepared me for the next season in more ways than one.

I didn't feel sadness this morning on my walk.
I felt content.
       And blessed.
                  And full.
                      And thankful.

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