Tuesday, January 31, 2012

busy bee

Ever since this semester started I have barely been able to keep my eyes open.  I'm taking a full (hard) load of classes and (praise the LORD) I have a job... on top of my never-ending InterVarsity responsibilities and trying (& failing miserably) to apply for post-graduation jobs.  It's hard to go from being a part-time student as I was last semester to a real, functioning human being again.  To make matters worse my insomnia has been back the past couple of days and sleep deprivation is slowly wearing me out.

But I really wouldn't have it any other way.
(Welllll minus the insomnia part because laying awake every night isn't really my idea of a good time.)

Over the past week I have enjoyed not only going to classes, but doing my homework.  Say whatttt?
Actually, I've looked forward to my school work.

I've loved doing things for Psi Chi, going to the lectures (new professor candidates are giving talks), getting excited for Potent Potables, and working on my 491 research.  Love love LOVE being a psych major.

And my IV responsibilities have been a joy as well during this new semester.  My first week of discipleship meetings went FANTASTIC; I get so excited when I see Jesus working in my friends' lives and when He gives me the words to say to them.  Oh AND our winter retreat is this weekend!  Whuddup?!

I am SO grateful for my (new) job at the fitness center because despite my complaints about waking up at 5:30/6am for work some mornings, I love the people I work with and always leave in high spirits.  Even if I have an "off" day socially at work, I still leave in a good mood because that means I got a lot of homework done while I was there!  Score!

It's been really fun to finally get officially plugged in at my church down here, too.  I've been going to a bible study and the women in it are hilarious and fantastic people.

I guess this entry is to catch all of you up whom I haven't spoken to since the semester started.  I'm sorry that I've been MIA.  I'm not ignoring you; I am just SO busy! (I'm even babysitting as I type this post...)

I'm sad to be in my 8th and last semester of college, but I am enjoying every waking second of it.

Even if those waking moments are when I wish I was sleeping during the night... ;-P

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

We're Just Wild Mice

My Applied Counseling class has such useful models for the Christian walk that I will at times forget it's a secular class.  Sometimes in lecture I feel like I am getting a 101 on discipleship and in homework I feel like the books we're reading all point toward Christ.

In a book we're reading, the authors mention a study by Colhoun that examined wild mice.  These mice need to run on a wheel about 8 hours a day and will do so on their own.  Their bodies know they need it and so they will turn on a switch and exercise.  It's simple.  And perfect.  And the way it was designed to be.  But when the researcher turned on the wheel, the mice would immediately turn off the switch.  They refused to run when the researcher "told them to" (by turning on the wheel) even though they knew they needed the exercise to be healthy and survive.  The authors describe this as foolish freedom because "the mice preferred mastering the switch to running.  They demanded control over their behavior, even if it meant sacrificing their own health."

This is us and God.  We sin sometimes because we want some sort of "control" over our lives.  We do things that we know are harmful for us and harmful for our relationship with Jesus because we would rather have this pseudo-freedom.  We think we know what's best for us.  We think that we are better off being in control.  Better off mastering the switch.

But this isn't freedom at all.
This is foolish freedom.
This is harming what we were designed to do.
This is harming us glorifying God.

The authors then go on to describe responsible freedom--

"An act is free if I identify with the elements that generate it.  An act is coerced if I feel dissociated from the elements.  Thus, identification is logically prior to independence.  Freedom is not a primary, but a derivative, experience.  A sense of self is logically prior to self-control.  Personal freedom is the acting out of our identity, our self.

Self-reevaluation is an important change process for preparing for liberating action.  Through this process you come to think and feel differently about yourself (as a drinker, smoker, or whatever).  You are preparing to give up and grieve for an important part of your identity--not just for now but forever."

If you have a relationship with Jesus, you need to give up what you think your identity is (as a student, or dancer, or athlete, or doctor, or teacher) to embrace the reality of what your identity actually is.  You are a child of God.  You are a person in whom Christ dwells.

"Freedom is not a primary, but a derivative experience."  When you understand who you are in Jesus, you will follow Him.  You will hit the mark.  You will stop resisting His guidance and teaching.  And you will be free.

Jesus talks about how sin is slavery.  When you sin and do what you want instead of what God wants you are the furthest thing from free.  You are living in bondage.

True freedom is allowing Jesus to take those chains off of you.
True freedom is knowing your identity is in Him.
True freedom is embracing His love.
True freedom is doing what you were designed to do:  Glorify the King.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Your healing hands

I'm leaving in an hour to begin my journey back to Virginia.  Though the first night I'll be spending with the amazing Aletheia, the reality is that I'm heading back to school.  Winter break is over.  (And I have yet to pack... oops...)

And I am smiling from ear-to-ear.

This break was monumental for me.  Not because Passion 2012 changed my life or I suddenly made new friends at home or mended my relationship with my dad.  None of those things happened.

So what did happen?  Why can you not stop smiling?  You may be asking.

I've felt this slow, progressive work inside of me that Jesus has been doing since June.  My heart is being softened and I'm learning to let go.  I didn't get on an amazing "Passion high" after Atlanta--instead I felt rooted and steadfast in my faith and the Lord emphasized everything He's been teaching me for the past six months at the conference.  I made the (official) decision to come back home after graduation and while it first brought a lot of tears and I was resistant to give my love of Virginia over to the Lord, I've learned to let go and embrace it.  And I am SO INCREDIBLY excited to learn from the amazing staff team at TCNJ.  I had a solid quiet time this morning, something that I hadn't given myself in too long, and it was the best thing I could have done.  I finally came to a point where I realized the importance of injustice and decided to sponsor a child through Compassion.  I am understanding the true ugliness of my sin.  My true identity in Christ.  And God's true and unfailing love for me.

I am smiling because I am growing.
And changing.
And healing.
And becoming more like Him.
And I can sense every second of it.

My whole body feels different.  I feel physically, spiritually, and emotionally

At Passion 2012:  notice the healing hand of God in the background.  And each of us shining a light for HIS glory.  (also, notice how every candle looks like a cross? LOVE IT.)

Monday, January 9, 2012

(this isn't actually about my knees or exercising)

Every time my leg impacts against the ground I can feel the joints in my knee rub against each other.

I've been working out over break and came to realize that I have really, really bad knees.  I never noticed it because I spent my whole life swimming instead of running, minimizing the impact that my feet have with the solid ground.  It's a genetic thing.  My dad and sister have really bad knees, as well.

And it hurts to do the cardio exercises.  I can hear my knees cracking every time I move them.  Even hours after the workout is over I find myself massaging the right knee, still feeling the heat of pain shoot up my thigh.

But I keep doing my daily "Jillian" workouts with my sister.  I keep pushing on.  Because I'm convinced that this is where the Lord has me.  That He wants me to be exercising and since we don't have a pool, my knees have to suck it up.

But how do I know when enough is enough?  How do I know if Jesus really wants me putting stress on my knees?  How do I know that this is what He wants for me?

And I keep pressing on.  Hoping that the pain will miraculously go away if He wants me to be doing this.

Hoping that the tears will fade if He wants me here.

But what if they don't?  Does that mean that He doesn't want me here?  Or does that mean that He wants me to fight through the pain because sometimes He calls us into places that we wouldn't necessarily choose for ourselves to be?

I just hope that my knees don't give out.  I hope that even if the pain remains, the end result will be well worth the tears I fought to get there.  I don't want to hear my own emotions and thoughts of wishing to go back to swimming, rather than running.  I want to hear the Lord's voice loud and clear telling me to push through.  That He loves me and wants this for me.  That He holds all things together.
I just want confirmation that I made the right choice.

Friday, January 6, 2012

We've got to rise up

Open our eyes up
Be her voice, be her freedom, come on stand up
(music video we made at Passion 2012 to raise awareness for slavery)

I just got back from a week in Atlanta, GA.  I was with 15 friends and 44,000 other college students at the Passion 2012 conference.  To sum it up?  Amazing.  Jesus.  Healing.  Freedom.

I'm going to make another post (probably) about some things Jesus did in my heart during the conference.  But this post is about how Jesus used us 40,000(ish) 18-24 year olds to raise awareness for modern day slavery.  To proclaim the name of Christ to the nation.

We listened to two main session talks that completely centered around the issue of slavery. (Did you know that currently there are 27 million people enslaved? That's more now than ever before in history...)  We donated.  We decorated flags that were then hung up with prayers and Bible verses.  A giant hand was constructed and we lit candles around it while chanting "FREEDOM."

Best part?  CNN covered it.  CNN did a story on Passion 2012.
The name of Jesus was documented by this news source for all the world to see.

To watch the CNN clip click here.

It is amazing what God can do when you submit to Him.  Submit your life and the causes you'll be working for or supporting.  Submit your finances and His name will be lifted up.  44,000 "poor college students" donated $3 MILLION dollars this week.

When I went to make my donation I didn't think my small amount would do much.

But when we
for HIS Kingdom

When we stop and think about the big picture, we realize that He moves mountains with the little amounts we sacrifice.  He moves mountains with the time and love we give.  He moves mountains if we just have faith.  He WILL work for the good of His people because He loves each and every one of us.  To Him, there aren't 27 million enslaved.  There are 27 million ONES enslaved.

27 million Adams.
27 million Eves.
27 million Alyssas.
27 millions yous.

God hates injustice.  And I hate injustice because He lives in me and my heart breaks for His beloveds.

And He will free them because it brings HIM glory.

Philippians 2:10-11-- so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

We get to be a part of that.  I got to be a part of that movement this week.  We get to all be tools for His Kingdom.  How cool is that?!?!

I am (and want to continue to be) part of the Jesus Generation.
Are you?

the giant hand that was constructed as a symbol

us on the last night-- each holding a lit candle. the giant hand is glowing, too!
a snapshot of all 44,000 of us in the Dome during worship at Passion 2012

To donate click here.

We raise our white flag, 
The war is over.
Love has come,
Your love has won.