Tuesday, January 31, 2012

busy bee

Ever since this semester started I have barely been able to keep my eyes open.  I'm taking a full (hard) load of classes and (praise the LORD) I have a job... on top of my never-ending InterVarsity responsibilities and trying (& failing miserably) to apply for post-graduation jobs.  It's hard to go from being a part-time student as I was last semester to a real, functioning human being again.  To make matters worse my insomnia has been back the past couple of days and sleep deprivation is slowly wearing me out.

But I really wouldn't have it any other way.
(Welllll minus the insomnia part because laying awake every night isn't really my idea of a good time.)

Over the past week I have enjoyed not only going to classes, but doing my homework.  Say whatttt?
Actually, I've looked forward to my school work.

I've loved doing things for Psi Chi, going to the lectures (new professor candidates are giving talks), getting excited for Potent Potables, and working on my 491 research.  Love love LOVE being a psych major.

And my IV responsibilities have been a joy as well during this new semester.  My first week of discipleship meetings went FANTASTIC; I get so excited when I see Jesus working in my friends' lives and when He gives me the words to say to them.  Oh AND our winter retreat is this weekend!  Whuddup?!

I am SO grateful for my (new) job at the fitness center because despite my complaints about waking up at 5:30/6am for work some mornings, I love the people I work with and always leave in high spirits.  Even if I have an "off" day socially at work, I still leave in a good mood because that means I got a lot of homework done while I was there!  Score!

It's been really fun to finally get officially plugged in at my church down here, too.  I've been going to a bible study and the women in it are hilarious and fantastic people.

I guess this entry is to catch all of you up whom I haven't spoken to since the semester started.  I'm sorry that I've been MIA.  I'm not ignoring you; I am just SO busy! (I'm even babysitting as I type this post...)

I'm sad to be in my 8th and last semester of college, but I am enjoying every waking second of it.

Even if those waking moments are when I wish I was sleeping during the night... ;-P

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