Thursday, January 12, 2012

Your healing hands

I'm leaving in an hour to begin my journey back to Virginia.  Though the first night I'll be spending with the amazing Aletheia, the reality is that I'm heading back to school.  Winter break is over.  (And I have yet to pack... oops...)

And I am smiling from ear-to-ear.

This break was monumental for me.  Not because Passion 2012 changed my life or I suddenly made new friends at home or mended my relationship with my dad.  None of those things happened.

So what did happen?  Why can you not stop smiling?  You may be asking.

I've felt this slow, progressive work inside of me that Jesus has been doing since June.  My heart is being softened and I'm learning to let go.  I didn't get on an amazing "Passion high" after Atlanta--instead I felt rooted and steadfast in my faith and the Lord emphasized everything He's been teaching me for the past six months at the conference.  I made the (official) decision to come back home after graduation and while it first brought a lot of tears and I was resistant to give my love of Virginia over to the Lord, I've learned to let go and embrace it.  And I am SO INCREDIBLY excited to learn from the amazing staff team at TCNJ.  I had a solid quiet time this morning, something that I hadn't given myself in too long, and it was the best thing I could have done.  I finally came to a point where I realized the importance of injustice and decided to sponsor a child through Compassion.  I am understanding the true ugliness of my sin.  My true identity in Christ.  And God's true and unfailing love for me.

I am smiling because I am growing.
And changing.
And healing.
And becoming more like Him.
And I can sense every second of it.

My whole body feels different.  I feel physically, spiritually, and emotionally

At Passion 2012:  notice the healing hand of God in the background.  And each of us shining a light for HIS glory.  (also, notice how every candle looks like a cross? LOVE IT.)


  1. hello, my name Adam Roberts. I stumbled upon you post while trying to look for the we've got to rise up song from and read a few of your posts about passion and saw that you were also from the great state of va haha. I just wanted to say that your posts are really awesome and very encouraging to see how God has been working in different peoples lives since and through passion. so anyways thanks for posting!
    God bless, Adam

  2. Hello Alyssa, I'm Steve Chapman, and I work at a large Christian ministry in Atlanta, and we're going to feature the Passion event and the Freedom Hand in our latest ministry report, and I WOULD LOVE TO USE THIS PHOTO ABOVE! Is that possible? We'd need a really really high resolution version, so if this web size is all you have, we'd be out of luck.

    Please contact me asap, and I'll share more. Thanks! And God bless your ministry.
