Monday, September 26, 2011

Psalm 66

Today was a roll-out-of-bed kinda day.  I slept an hour past my alarm so showering was out of the question.  I threw on some leggings and an over-sized T-shirt, gulped down my coffee, and slung my bookbag over my shoulder.  I had to speed walk to my 9am--which is completely across campus--because I ran out of my apartment 5 minutes later than I usually aim for.  Funny what a difference 8:40am and 8:45am can be in the necessity of turning a stroll into a power walk.  I was zooming around people that were moving at a glacier pace, thinking of all the homework I didn't do over the weekend that I probably should have (I'm on top of my classes so don't worry--but usually I'm ahead, so when I'm not ahead I feel like a slacker).  I was headed to Jepson for my ecology class that I basically loath.  It's my only "not brain class" this semester and so it's just not my cup of tea.  I turned off of the sidewalk and directed myself down the trail of mulch that cuts through the grassy hill, leading students from College Ave to the science building.  I was wearing my no-traction Old Navy flip flops that cause me to wipe out more often than I'd like to admit when I realized half of the mulch on the trail was replaced with mud due to the month of rain we've been having.  It was more probable that I was going to fall down this hill than remain on my two feet.  By all accounts I had a less-than-perfect morning.

But I was in a great mood.  Not just a great mood... an elated mood.

Well this was unlike me.  I was trying to figure out why, after the semi-annoying morning I'd had I was smiling.  And that's when I realized that subconsciously, my entire morning was filled with my mind shouting, "I LOVE JESUS."

Shout with joy to God, all the earth!  Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious!  Say to God, "How awesome are your deeds!  So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you.  All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name."  (Psalm 66:1-4)

This was the conversation I had in my head all morning--
Ugh I slept too late, ugly day it is.  But who cares?!  Jesus sure doesn't...
I didn't read all the articles I should have.  But that's okay because Jesus made sure I completed what was necessary for today.
Wow I'm tired... But at least I have time for coffee.  THANK YOU JESUSSSS FOR CREATING COFFEE.
I'm late for ecology.  But Jesus knew I'd be late today sooo it's in His plan for my day.
How am I going to share my testimony with people in my talk on the retreat on Friday?  It's not about where I've been, it's about who I am.  Jesus is healing me.  I don't want to be broken anymore.  Yes that is SO TRUE--I don't WANT to be broken!  I want Him to make me new and He is!  I will press on and set stricter boundaries in my life because I want to keep moving forward.  I want the freshmen on the retreat and in my small group to see how God can use someone like me, someone with my past.  He can use me in ministry by transforming me more into His Son.  It is all for His Glory and I hope they see that because I love them and want them to know that they can be used, regardless of where they are at now in their walks.  I love the girls in my small group... I especially love getting to know the new freshmen... (thoughts trailed off at this point while walking down College Ave).

Sarah & me with some girls in our small group!!! LOVE them.

In ecology we learned things that weren't all THAT interesting to me.  But I kept thinking about how the Lord truly works all things for our good.  How nature is so intricately designed for us to live here.

Come and see what God has done, how awesome his works in man's behalf!  He turned the sea into dry land, they passed through the waters on foot-- come, let us rejoice in him.  He rules forever by his power, his eyes watch the nations--let not the rebellious rise up against him.  (Psalm 66:5-7)

And then I realized... I DIDN'T FALL DOWN THE HILL!!  It was extremely likely that I was going to, especially with my clumsiness, but my feet remained planted on the ground.  Thank you, Jesus!!!

Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping.  For you, O God, tested us' you refined us like silver.  You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs.  You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance.  I will come to your temple with burnt offerings and fulfill my vows to you--vows my lips promised and my mouth spoke when I was in trouble.  I will sacrifice fat animals to you and an offering of rams; I will offer bulls and goats.  (Psalm 66:8-15)

When I got to biocognition I had an even greater morning.  My professor--whom I really look up to and really respect--read my quiz answers out load as an example of the "right answer" to both sections (so like... to 50 students).  I rarely am the smart kid in my college classes. And it felt so good to know that even when I think I'm behind in school, I can still have a grip on things.  Thank you Jesus for allowing me to find this academic material that I love learning about!  Thank you for giving me the brain capacity and the intelligence to be able to understand this difficult material!  I love learning about the brain because I love learning more and more about how wonderfully and intricately You've designed us to be.

When we got into a discussion on the mind-body problem I sat very content.  When this first came up in my classes a year ago I would leave furious that the professor would try to disprove Christianity.  But since then I've researched and prayed and felt satisfied with my stance on the issue.  Lord thank you for revealing to me that it is possible for me to follow Your Word and be a student of cognitive neuroscience.

Come and listen, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me.  I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue.  If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; but God has surely listened and heard my voice in prayer.  Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!  (Psalm 66:16-20)

Jesus performs miracles in our lives DAILY.  He will keep our feet planted on the ground, even when it seems most probable that we will fall.  I can only have academic achievements and impact people in InterVarsity and balance my chaotic schedule by the grace of God.  Jesus is working in me and using me for His Glory and THAT is something to keep me smiling, even when life seems less-than-perfect.

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