Friday, November 25, 2011

Go Cowboys

Yesterday we spent Thanksgiving at my aunt and uncle's house.  My cousin Bryan was shouting at the TV, while his children Chase (age 4) and Paige (age 2) were running around in Cowboys outfits, cheering on their dad's team.  Chase sort of understands the concept of football and knows that if he wants his dad to be in a good mood, the Cowboys better win.

Paige on the other hand... she's just a naive little toddler.  She spent the evening bouncing around in the world's most adorable Cowboys cheer leading dress-- not understanding what a football even is, let alone why our family is currently fixated on the television.  All she knows is that her dad threw this outfit on her and that he occasionally jumps up from the couch clapping and shouting his team's name.  She knows that her dad has been teaching her to say "Go Cowboys" instead of the "Go Packers" that her Uncle Sean has been trying to get her to learn.  And she knows that when she says the phrase correctly, it gets everyone's attention in the room and all of the grown-ups clap for her.

She has no idea why she's supposed to say it, but she'll do anything to please her dad.

One moment she was wearing her cute little leopard-print Thanksgiving party dress and the next she was clothed as her father's daughter (Galatians 3:26-27).  According to her new garments, she is a Cowboys fan... and she needs to start living up to that expectation.  So she will throw a football around the room with her brother, yell "Go Cowboys" when the time is appropriate, and be still when they lose a game.  She will do things to please her father, even if it makes zero sense to her in the process.

The best part about being an obedient child?  You are always at peace.

I'm a person with insomnia.  I've had sleep issues for the majority of my adolescent/adult life and I've never been able to pinpoint exactly why.  So when people can fall asleep just about anywhere and in a matter of minutes, it astounds me.  But I had never seen anything so amazing as when toward the end of the evening, we all looked over and found that Paige had fallen asleep while trying to see the movie my sister was watching on the iPad.

Feet dangling off of the chair... head placed on an awkward "pillow"... it looked uncomfortable to say the very least.  But she was sound asleep.  She was satisfied from pleasing her father and cuddled up in the outfit that was put on her.  It didn't matter that the family was still talking (rather loudly, I mean hello we're all from Jersey).. it didn't matter that she didn't get to see the end of the movie.. and it sure didn't matter that she was in an extremely uncomfortable position.

That's the thing about living your life for your Father, it doesn't matter what's going on externally because it is an inner peace.

She knew the night would end on a good note because the Cowboys won and she did her part in that task.  She didn't need to know the end of the movie, she could always watch it another day.

We don't always know how the small things will turn out in our lives, but we know that in the end our Father's team WILL be victorious.  So we need to do our part in the here and now.  We need to do what He asks of us, even if it seems silly in our naive, child-like minds at the time.  And when we eagerly comply the angels will cheer and Jesus will smile and we will be safe in our Father's arms forever.  Your daughter is here and willing, Lord.

(Go Cowboys.)

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