Thursday, March 8, 2012

Breaking Waves

After battling a sandstorm and giving up, I sat with my friend on a bench on the boardwalk overlooking the beach today.  The sea-breeze made the air a little chilly and so there weren't many people in sight.  Just the sand and the ocean and the jetties.  I stared out at sea, watching the waves come in and pull back out.

Over and over.
Over and over
Along the coastline.

I don't really understand the physics of what causes waves to break.  I couldn't tell you why they are pulled back to sea, water churning and mixing, only to creep onto the coast in a different format that they did before.  Different water molecules touching the sand than previously.  Always changing.  Always flowing.

But God's mighty hand controls all of it.  He knows when the waves need to break.  He knows how far they will stretch onto the beach before He pulls them back.

And He is constantly changing the ocean.
His ocean.
His masterpiece.
His daughter.

He allows me to break to mix up my particles.  To change me.  He never lets me get too far away from the source of the ocean before pulling me quickly back to Him.

Maybe I don't always understand the physics and the reasons how or why.  But He does.
And that is enough.

Knowing He is always changing me,
Knowing I will never reach a point where He can't pull me back,
Knowing He controls it all,
                        is enough.

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