Wednesday, March 7, 2012

injured on day two. oh boy.

SPRING BREAK IS HEREEEE! (Said in Oprah's yelling voice.)

Sunday night I spent visiting my sister at Salisbury University.  We got up to go to the gym Monday morning and it was great.  We ran for half an hour on the ellipticals, she taught me some sweet new ab moves, and we used some machines that I honestly hadn't even touched since high school.  After the gym I headed home for Jersey and was feeling good.  I felt strong and healthy and energized.

But yesterday I woke up a little sore and when I got to the gym I had to push through that 30 minute run.  And while doing the ab exercises I was convinced that my entire torso was going to crumble into pieces on the mat.  What was the worst was day two of the hip adduction machine.  I actually thought at one point that I was going to burst into tears from the soreness of Monday colliding with yesterday's lame attempts.  Actually, even just getting on and off the machine killed my muscles because my legs didn't want to open more than a 45 degree angle.

And I pushed too far.
And I pulled my groin.
And I can't even describe to you the pain from just laying here on my bed.  Walking around the house is really just out of the question at the moment.

My abs and arms, they are that good hurt.  That pain that says, yes. we worked hard at the gym. we're doing good things.  But my groin is screaming at me with pain.  I was probably pressing too much weight and I probably shouldn't have pushed my body yesterday when it was hurting that bad to begin with.

I'm a bit frustrated because I was planning on taking today off from weights and abs and just doing cardio, but I literally cannot even get up.  My groin throbs constantly without me even moving.  I actually felt tears come into my eyes multiple times this morning when I just tried to turn over and grab my book to read.

I guess I can't turn into a super athlete overnight.  I can't go from never working out to doing that much.  I need to take it slower.  Patience.  Because I can (and did) really injury myself.

I started drinking water, taking vitamins, and working out because I'm learning the spiritual importance of being physically healthy.  We are given body and soul from God and both are important.  But change isn't always immediate.

Renewing my mind isn't immediate either.  I can't get frustrated when I pray for a cleansed mind and yet see myself struggling in the same areas.  I can't just expect things to be good and temptations to go away without some work.  Without some time.  Without Jesus.  Because if I just immerse myself in temptation areas and don't allow healing to happen first I will injury myself and prolong the process of being made more like Christ.

Right now I need ice and rest.  Poor hip adductor muscles.
Right now I need prayer and rest.  Poor brokenness in my mind.

The Lord is using my body to force me to rest and journal through things that I keep putting off.  His perfect timing caused this groin injury during spring break.  His perfect timing is using both body and soul to work together and restrain me to my room so that I can focus on Him and Him alone.

And after proper rest I can try to venture out into the world again.

My body will learn and adapt in order to heal.
Just like my heart and mind will.

But in the meantime please pray for my left groin musclessss.  The pain makes me want to cry. :(

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