Wednesday, March 28, 2012

post college thoughts

Wow I haven't posted in so long!  This semester has just been crazy!!!  Full load of difficult classes (as I battle senioritis), job at the Fitness Center, InterVarsity responsibilities, getting myself ready for next year in the real world (sending out resumes, getting references, applying for jobs...), and squeezing in some small times for me (spending time with Jesus, working out, going to small group, watching March Madness, going to as many UMW activities as possible before I graduate)...  The semester is flying by.

Senior year flew by. 
College flew by.

the beginning of senior year--feels just like yesterday

move-in day freshman year (Hannah & me)-- really just cannot believe how fast time went by

I've been really sad for awhile about that fact.  I was in this end-of-college funk.  Stressed.  Anxious.  Depressed.  Overwhelmed.  But what I learned through that period of high anxiety and little sleep is that college is not in any way my "peak."  It is not downhill from here.  Yes it's going to be different and might take some getting used to, but life is going to get so much richer and fuller.  And even though I met Jesus in college He isn't going anywhere after I graduate.  He is going to be with me during every step I take and every life change that I may encounter.

Life is about going on a walk with the kid you babysit and stumbling upon an entrance to the Rappahannock River that you didn't know existed for the four years you lived in this town.

Life is about a good friend bringing your favorite frozen yogurt with your favorite toppings (rainbow sprinkles!) an hour out of his way when he just has a hunch that you are having a bad day.

Life is about seeing how your job/internship for the next year is completely God-ordained and watching how everything comes together in a mysteriously miraculous way.

Life is about being reminded that Wednesdays are red pepper gouda soup day at the Underground and getting excited all over again.

Life is about watching Jesus grow the women in your small group over the past seven months and hearing their smiles through the phone as you invite them to step onto next year's leadership team.

And these small joys will follow me everywhere I go in life as long as I continue to follow Him.  It is so evident to me why I went to Mary Wash for college because this is where I came to know the Lord and commit my life to Him.  I grew just about as much as someone can in college thanks to all of the amazing Godly people that He placed in my life.  But now it's time for me to step out and encounter Him without the invisible walls that surround our campus.  It's time for me to use the skills He has given me to teach others.  It's time for me to work in ministry and write Christian books/articles in hopes of getting published.  I grew so very long and wide here in college and now I am ready to step out and allow Him to grow me deeper.

Life isn't about college.  It's about being in the moment wherever He has me.  It's about finding joy in the little things, in the big things, in the painful things, and in the overwhelmingly joyous things.  It's about waking up each morning dedicating that day to Him.

It's about laughter.  And love.  And learning.  And Jesus.
Really.  It's just all about Jesus.

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