Friday, May 25, 2012


Saranac Lake -- YoungLife Camp

I am finally home for the summer.  Home for the next year.  Rockbridge, graduation, and Basileia are over and I can take a few days to process these transitions.

At Basileia, the main session talks were on Joshua.  The students learned over and over that God handed Joshua the promised land but that he had to first take a step of faith out into it, even when circumstances were frightening.  These words spoke just as strongly into my own heart.

At Basileia I learned that this is the land the Lord has given me for this next year.  He wants me at TCNJ and I have to take that step and claim it, no matter how scary that seems right now or how much it seems that life would be easier to be back in familiar territory.

At Basileia my career in college ministry was confirmed for me as I grew to adore the students in my small group and watched as Jesus stretched them and grew them over the course of the week.  I realized that I am right where I'm supposed to be.

At Basileia I watched in awe how Jesus answered my prayers one right after the other.  Whether it was on making friends, getting sleep, or finding the right words to say to the students, He blessed me every time.

This is my life now.  I am jumping for joy and yearning for September when I can be on campus and meeting students.  I am waiting in anticipation for this next year and grateful that I will be able to learn and train under such a rockstar staff worker.  And I am also mourning the end of college.  Missing Fredericksburg, my friends, and the campus (and region) that I know inside and out.  It's hard on this extrovert's heart to know that ALL of my best friends live 4-12 hours away.  On top of moving away from familiarity, it's frustrating that I have to live in my dad's house again after being on my own for four years.  These emotions are up and down and I can feel them simultaneously bubbling inside of me. 

Here we go.  Step of faith.  The Lord is inviting me into the work He is doing on TCNJ's campus and that is worth stepping for.  That is worth fighting these mixed up emotions for.

Joshua 1:9-- "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

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