Thursday, September 6, 2012

Be. Go. Do.

What would it look like if we actually lived out our calling to make disciples of all nations?  If we functioned outside of ourselves, outside of our own desires to just "feel good" about loving Jesus?  If we actually allowed our cups to be in a constant state of overflow?

Lately, the only things on my mind are thoughts of what could be if every Christian was missional.
If every Christian woke up in the morning with the thought, I have purpose today.

What would it look like if we actually grasped the fact that Jesus saving us from our sin and for heaven is only half of the good news?  If we truly functioned out of the mindset that the other half of the Gospel is that He yearns to see His Kingdom come now?

On earth as it is in heaven.

What would it look like to break the typical mold of status-quo Christianity?  To go outside of these Christian social norms we've created that have become stumbling blocks to the Message?  What would it look like to pursue relationships with intentionality?  To change the world by realizing that Jesus is in the process of redeeming it, and that His method for doing so is people?  To live outside of our Christian bubbles?  To step eagerly into the plans that He has for each one of us?

To be Kingdom-minded.

What would it look like if we didn't become complacent about the growth in our own spiritual lives?  If we took risks on ourselves and pushed others to do the same with the mindset that we are growing not just for ourselves, but with the intention of partnering with Jesus in redeeming the world?

This is it, boys.  This is war.
What are we waiting for?
Why don't we break the rules already?

This secular song has been echoing in my head during these restless nights as I've been tossing and turning because my mind is too full of vision to sleep.  These words infuse my being as I get up to pray or read Scripture or write my thoughts out in spoken word poetry because I realize that yet again, excitement for transforming lives overtakes my desire to sleep.

What would it look like if we truly grasped that we are in a war?  That we need to break these rules we Christians have set for ourselves?

Where will you begin?

Where I am called to start is the college campus.  I want see a change of culture in these places where the future leaders of America rise up out of.  The places where young adults come to figure out where they stand.

Be. John 15:4
Go. Mark 16:15
Do. Philippians 4:9

Ooohhh I feel it in my bones.

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