Tuesday, July 17, 2012

contradicting ocean

I love to swim in the ocean.
Getting in is always rough.  I have to Baywatch-run my way past the breakers to ensure that the waves don't knock me down.  I usually scream as I endure the cold, anticipating that a tsunami will take me out immediately.

But it never does.
And after the initial shock I am grateful to be in the cool water and off of the hot beach.
The beach where there is only dryness and my water bottle turns into boiling liquid within minutes.
The beach where sand covers my body, regardless of how hard I try to remain still on my towel.

Past the breakers, the ocean feels more safe.

Sharks could come.
Birds could swoop down.
A rip tide could get a hold of me.
But for some reason it feels strangely...

Fearing it and laying still in it's peacefulness at the same time.
Trusting as I float in the safe waters.

It's the excitement when waves roll over me.
It's the laughing and playing.
It's the substance of life.

Life is mixed with ups and downs.  Tranquility and fun.
Life is understanding the point of living in contradiction.

Like being in two places at once.
Or having stage fright that gets your adrenaline pumping and drives your love for performing.
Or feeling safe and at peace while in constant fear.

How great is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you, which you bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in you. (Psalm 31:19)

My safety refuge is when I tremble in fear in Your arms.  There I am most safe.  There life is most exciting.  There is where I experience that peace that transcends all understanding.

Hope & Faith taking on the ocean at LBI -- (photo credit:  Gregg Downs)

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